Nurse Training in Zimbabwe – How to Become a Qualified Nurse

Are you looking for Nurse training in Zimbabwe? Nursing is a calling rather than a job, however many people nowadays are now considering nursing as a job due to different circumstances.

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Nursing career is an exciting experience you can have if you have a passion for helping the sick. In this article, we will guide you through how you can become a nurse in Zimbabwe. We talk about the minimum requirements needed, how to apply and where you can get trained.


To be a nurse you must undergo training which is three years in government hospitals and other private hospitals with nursing school departments. At the end of three years, you then write final exams which are only marked at Nurse’s Council of Zimbabwe.

If you pass the final exam you then register with NCZ and you will now be called a Registered General Nurse (RGN) and given a practising certificate. To be outstanding in the nursing fraternity, you have to do post-basic courses (specializing).

Another option of becoming a nurse in Zimbabwe is to enrol with universities that offer Bsc Degrees in Nursing. This is a 4-year program as a conventional student. You will also register with NCZ and become a Registered General Nurse. You can not work as a nurse in Zimbabwe without a practising certificate.


To apply for nursing school you must have 5 O’ level passes including Maths, English and a science subject. Practical subjects are included in one or two sittings only.

You must have full certificates as examination slips are not considered.

You must be between the ages of 17years and 30 years before the commencement date.

Application is done through the Ministry of Health and Child Care electronic platform found on the MoHCC website

There are three intakes per year (January, May and September) and it is advertised in The Herald and Sunday Mail newspapers.


To be enrolled for Bsc Nursing Science at a university college :

You must have passed five O’ levels including English Language (grades A, B and C) in both ZIMSEC/CAMBRIDGE.

You must have passed at least two A’ level.

Intakes are for February and August.

You download the university application form, completely fill it and submit to the university together with education certificates.

Also, check for adverts of enrollment in the Herald and Sunday Mail.


Applying to be a nurse is now done on the Ministry of Health website as has already been mentioned in this article. Here are a few things to note when applying online.

When is the nursing school window for application opened?

MoHCC will advertise this in the Herald and Sunday Mail. You need to keep an eye out especially close to or around the intake months of January, May and September.

Next, go to the website, online application portal and create an account.

Fill in the details as required following the steps given.

You will need to pay the application fee via Ecocash merchant code provided.

Electronic selection is done, and if shortlisted for interviews you are required to bring certified copies of birth certificate, national ID, academic certificates and marriage certificate where applicable and original copies for verification.

You must have these requirements:

Must be between ages 17 years and 30years

Five O’level passes with grade C or better including Maths, English Language and Science subject in not more than two sittings.

Birth certificate, national ID, academic certificates (results slip are not accepted) and marriage certificate where applicable.

4 thoughts on “Nurse Training in Zimbabwe – How to Become a Qualified Nurse”

  1. I have been trying to find the forms for a possible May 2021 intake for nursing and have arrived at a dead-end can you please assistant me. Assistants need URGENTLY !

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