Author name: Chipo Musiyiwa-Kayonza

Chipo Joyce Musiyiwa-Kayonza was born on the 8th of October 1989, originally from Gutu-Masvingo and grew up in Bindura. She went to Mutumba Primary School for her primary level and went further to secondary school were she completed Advanced level in 2008 at Chindunduma 1 High School. She completed Diploma in HIV/AIDS Counselling Care and Prevention in 2012. Chipo was enrolled at Gweru Hospital School of Nursing in 2013 and graduated in 2016. Chipo went further with her studies at Bindura University of Science Education were she obtained a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Safety, Health and Environmental Management. In 2017 she started practising as registered general nurse at Harvey Brown Medical Clinic working with Dr Mataruse, Dr Pfumojena, Dr Tagwira and Dr Mashayamombe. By that time she was also working part time at Borrowdale Private Hospital and Omega Health Clinic. She worked for One Africa Trust as a Health Officer and later transferred to Destiny for Africa Network holding the same position from 2019 to 2020. Currently Chipo is practising at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals.